Join the BraiNY Leadership!

Want to shape public engagement with neuroscience in New York City and beyond? Get involved with our leadership - we have positions at multiple levels! We are recruiting for Council positions who shape and lead the direction of BraiNY, and committee positions to bring new ideas and enthusiasm to our team.


BraiNY is the Greater NYC Chapter of the Society for Neuroscience. Our goal is to partner with local institutions such as Columbia University and New York University, and organizations such as BioBus and the World Science Festival to produce and co-coordinate city-wide events like Brain Awareness Week. Brain Awareness Week is a yearly event held in March that we prioritize and enjoy thoroughly! In preparation for the week/month, we work closely with several of our partnered organizations and local institutions to provide them with the resources and support they need. 


Our advocacy and outreach efforts extend beyond Brain Awareness week into the entire year. Throughout the year, we participate, organize and offer support for several opportunities including the BraiNY Bunch Virtual Journal Club, The World Science Festival City of Science, our Blog and social and career development events for our members, as well as science policy training and Hill Day advocacy events.


Check out our open leadership positions below, and nominate yourself! Nominations open at 8:00am on Friday, April 15, 2022 and close at 11:59pm on Sunday, April 30, 2022. If you have questions about any of the roles, please reach out.



President / Co-President

  • Calls and presides at Council and monthly Business Meetings 

  • Responsible for executing policies and overseeing operations 

  • Acts as spokesperson for the Chapter

  • Develops and submits annual reports to the Society for Neuroscience, in collaboration with the Treasurer

Secretary / President Designate 

  • Shadows the current President

  • Develops and manages recruitment and retention of BraiNY members and open officer positions 

  • Writes and shares meeting minutes from Council and monthly Business Meetings

  • Supports the Past President in nominating members for awards

Communication Director (or co-Directors)

  • Works to promote and advertise the BraiNY events through social media and the BraiNY website. 

  • Oversees member newsletters and is the editor of the BraiNY Blog.


Social Media Manager (or co-Managers)

  • Crafts posts to social media platforms advertising BraiNY Bunch and any other upcoming events 

  • Responds to social media request 

  • Coordinate with BraiNY Members for posts during events and programs

Membership Coordinator (or co-Coordinators)

  • We like to have at least one representative per institution!

  • Maintains active and past membership databases and mailing list 

  • Conducts outreach to find new members 

  • Keeps members appraise of opportunities 

  • Solicits feedback about member interests and needs


Not sure what role is for you, but you are passionate about outreach and community building? Get involved with BraiNY as we are always thrilled to have new volunteers join our team!

Nominate yourself for this role and start by joining our meetings. BraiNY meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 6:30pm EST. Each meeting is an open discussion for new opportunities and platforms in which we can develop our mission.

BraiNY Committees

Please consider nominating yourself to a committee, which is critical for the success of our programs. 

  • Brain Awareness Week and Science Outreach Committee: This committee will assist in preparing for the week/month of BAW. The committee will work closely with our partnered organizations and local institutions to provide them with the resources and support they need.

  • Advocacy Program Committee: The Advocacy Committee provides resources and training for chapter members to effectively advocate for science and science funding. This committee seeks and provides the tools necessary to communicate with lawmakers, legislative assistants, and the general public.

  • Career Development Committee: This committee will plan events such as career panels or talks to provide members with information about potential career paths.

  • Communications and Social Media Committee: This committee will work with the Communications Director and Social Media Manager to promote and advertise the BraiNY events through social media and the BraiNY website.

Denise Croote